To obtain forestry financing, you must plan to manage a private wood lot of at least 60 hectares. You must also hold the management plans or be in the process of obtaining them.
To be eligible, you must:
- Be over 18 years of age;
- Be the holder of a forest producer's certificate or in the process of obtaining it;
- Present a project with profit-making potential and that ensures your operation's viability.
Other conditions must also be met, based on your type of business. For more details, consult the program.
We can guarantee an outstanding loan of $750,000 per forestry operation. Amounts granted may be used to finance projects such as the:
- Purchase of wood lots or forestry operations;
- Acquisition of machinery and equipment for forestry management;
- Construction or renovation of your buildings;
- Carrying out of forest management work;
- Purchase or buy-back of shares (stocks, partnership shares);
- Refinancing of debt having been used for forestry purposes.