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La Financière agricole du Québec

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Loan Guarantees at Advantage Plus Rate


Bolster your business with a unique lever: regular guaranteed loans.


Our Complementary Loan Guarantees

In our continuous effort to better serve your needs, we have developed two loan guarantees to complement our regular loan guarantee.

Development Loan Guarantee

The Development Loan Guarantee is designed to

  • Enhance our intervention in higher risk files that demonstrate a potential for profitability.
  • Contribute to food self-sufficiency.

It specifically addresses

  • Start-up and expansion projects.
  • Businesses in emerging sectors.
  • Businesses with low equity.

This loan guarantee covers all production sectors, for a development loan guarantee of up to $1,000,000 per farm operation.

Leverage Loan Guarantee

The Leverage Loan Guarantee is designed to

  • Contribute to the creation of agricultural businesses by supporting future entrepreneurs who demonstrate a potential for success.
  • Provide more suitable financing for certain businesses.

Financing is available up to a maximum of $100,000, without the need for a real estate or personal property guarantee.

The leverage loan guarantee also benefits from a discount of from 0.30 to 0.60 off the interest rate for the entire term of the loan and has an amortization period of up to 10 years.

For more information on the Leverage Loan Guarantee, we invite you to view our webinar (available in French only).

Global Investment Plan

Over the coming years, are you planning to construct or expand a building, buy new equipment, increase your production, consolidate your loans or establish an aspiring farmer at your operation?

Regardless of the nature or scope of your projects, take the opportunity offered you to plan those projects, in a realistic and strategic manner.

Come and share the vision you have for your operation with one of our advisors and draw on our help to develop your Global Investment Plan.